Monday 2 May 2016

Day 8,9,10,11,12

Well its feeling now like a regular routine, everyday the workouts are a bit different but we are actually used to it now that everyday we do something! It is not longer feeling like a chore!
Day 8 was workout at home day with weights and different moves I did mine during the day and Niko did his in the evening, it really is so much more fun doing with a partner or group, if only our schedules matched!
Day 9 was a cardio day so Niko went riding and I went swimming at our local pool!
Day 10 is seen below with our little matey Donnatello Konnsta always interested what are Pia and Niko jumping around like lunatics in the living room for, so he must come and investigate EVERYTHING!
Here are examples of Niko doing a regular plank and myself doing a side plank, if you look closely you can see Konnsta is also showing in the bottom picture how to do a side lunge!
And followed by day 11 and 12 which were rest days, ahhhh the rest days, Happy Labour Day to everyone who celebrated it! <3

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Fit1 Day 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...

Sorry blog readers! Its been a busy (and bit painful) few days and I've also come to realise that blogging about a workout every single day might get a bit tedious...
So to go over it a little bit..
Day 2 was......... painful...... (see, we are human and showing how it happens with others who might start from zero...) it really both gave us the realisation how much we indeed needed this, muscle tone definitely gone down!!! Legs were to the point that I walked up and down our stairs like a granny! And abs (yes apparently I have abs!) were so sore that it hurt to laugh or tense them at all. We really need to build up that core strength! BUT, we still completed day 2s workout! So, not debilitating muscle pain!
First complete breakfast in a while, I had really gotten used to liquid breakfast but this really was a nice change! :)
By day 3 our thighs were still a bit tight but trudged through the workout with no problems, also I have to say again its great having something different to do everyday! It mixes up the schedule a bit an stops it becoming too monotonous!

Day 4 and 5 are the super easy days. When you work hard you have to also play hard so two days of REST! It happened to fall on a Saturday and Sunday so YAY for us! A nice weekend of rest, re-cooperation and seeing friends and family! One thing that absolutely needs to be mentioned here is that on Sunday we went to visit Nikos uncle and godmother for the afternoon. Being a typical finnish family we were offered 'pullakaffet' which literally means coffee and pulla (a sweet coffee bun). We both had a cup of coffee but neither of us touched the pulla, this is unusual for us as we are both sweet tooth by nature! On the drive home I told Niko how nice the spread was but just didn't feel like pulla today, he looks at me and says that neither did he, we both were quite shocked by this, how have our cravings for sugar, butter and white flour disappeared?! Something is definitely happening inside our brains and bodies!!!! Weird right? :)
Day 6 and back to it! We were both going to be busy that evening when Niko got home from work so we decided to swap the workout with Day 7s, this meant a day of cardio for the workout, which can be anything you like for 30minutes, swimming, running, riding etc just something to keep that heart rate up. I chose to go for a jog around our city during the day and Niko went for a good bike ride straight after work.
BREATHE PIA BREATHE! classy right, just finished 3rd round of the workout and absolutely STUFFED but ALIVE and FEELING GOOD!
Day 7 was today which made it work out day 6 from the book. Niko works day today and I work evening this evening so we split it up again. I did the workout in the living room with my music blasting (it helped not to hear the frustration in my voice as I loudly sighed through most of those darn backwards lunges, hahaha) and Niko would do his part when he got home from work and I'm already long gone.

So until next time.... Goodnight all xxx

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Fit 1 Day 1

So here it is, Day 1... its 7am and Niko has already left for work, I am sitting, sipping my morning aloe on the sofa thinking, can we really do this starting from where we are at? Pretty much zero... Lets see! If we do it, we gain health and happiness, and if we fail? well you get a good laugh!

So, there is it folks, the Fit1, lets go through what in this box that's considerably larger than C9, but also considerably longer.

-4 bottles of Aloe Gel (as stated previously we take this everyday anyway, normally we have all 3 flavours in the fridge to mix it up a little!)
-2 Ultra Lite (we chose the vanilla protein shake again because,well, yum!)
-1 Fit1 booklet (the IN HOME personal trainer, has all you need to workout and again great recipes and a guideline of HOW TO over the next 30 days
-1 ProX2 (these are little protein bars, to keep away those cravings after a workout or as an afternoon snack, we got Cinnamon because we chose the vanilla shake, but if you choose chocolate smoothie you also get chocolate protein bars)
-1 Therm (magical pills that give you that kick you need, they have guarana, green tea, green coffee bean and other added goodies -these are a great fat burner!)
-1 Fiber (the same as in C9 but like ive said - good to keep regular!)

So the cool thing that I'm loving with this one is you get TWO meals a day, you get to choose yourself which ones they are too which makes shift work life much easier!

...Alright! So Niko and I did our first training session today! We did the first set of Day 1 to do list and then looked at each other and went OH NO, we have to do this WHOLE THING TWO MORE TIMES!-sweat pouring from just about everywhere! I noticed more than ever how much we have not been doing lately, I have tight muscles in places I didn't even know I had muscles! It's a little depressing to think how weak I've gotten but also very motivating knowing that we have taken this step to a better well-being. :)
First thoughts is its wonderful that each day is nothing like the last, the sequences are very varied each day which keeps things fun!
I'll finish off day one by quoting the first thing Niko said and did when we finished the workout, completely stuffed. He lifted up his shirt and exposed his cute little CocaCola pot belly and said ''So, can you see my six-pack yet?''
If only it was that quick! :D

C9 Day 9!! We survived!

WE DID IT WE DID IT! 9 days down and energy levels up! Such a lovely feeling of accomplishment and to top it off we dropped a few cms and kgs! 

This is our typical morning routine, definitely something that will stay with us after this journey, imagine feeling this good everyday? :)

Can you imagine, Pia has been without chocolate for 9 days and Niko without Coca-Cola,  we are both even surprised that neither of us are craving excess sugar and/or salt! 

Technically this is still a day of the C9 but since we are going back to back and starting the Fit1 tomorrow we thought to have a celebratory meal tonight, so I made home made pesto to go on some organic whole wheat pasta! Scrumptious! 
Even Niko loved it (after saying, what? no meat? 
....eventually he will turn and realise you dont need meat everyday, buuuut thats a whole different blog right there!)

Now the next step/faze of the journey start tomorrow! Fit 1.... dun dun dun...
The one thing that I personally am really happy to hear is how openly Niko (a somewhat 'typical' stubborn Finnish man) is responding to all of this! He actually said last night how much he is looking forward to Fit1 because the training is so much more regimented. 
During C9 the calorie intake is the regimented part and it says to 'exercise' at least half an hour a day. But as of tomorrow the calorie intake is a little more free (which I control anyway since I cook and send him to work with lunches) but the exercise is clearly laid out what you have to do and how many, I think for someone like Niko he loves the restriction of this is -exactly what you must do and how! Niko and his german efficency.... I dunno...
See you all tomorrow! xx

C9 Day 7 and day 8!

Sunday and Monday have been full of everything away from technology which is great for a change!
Sunday a luncheon (we had our vanilla ultra smoothies with us and had a fabulous time!) and some quiet time with the hubby. Dinner we had 'take out' a nice big salad from the grocery store salad bar, twas lovely AND I didn't have to cook, winning! Eating out doesn't have to be greasy fast food!
Monday went through in a blur, meetings and errands not having time to keep my blog up, naughty me! Smoothies on the go and therms to keep me going, a big salad at work too! Woot woot! Even niko mentioned last night that he's so used to liquid lunches now that he will continue his lunchtime smoothies now for the summer, which all I hear is I don't need to make him lunch for the summer, just send him off with a carton of oat milk and his ultra packet! (they really are addictive I tell ya!)

Saturday 16 April 2016

C9 Day 5 and Day 6

Just a quick post to catch up.
My yesterday went really quickly running errands and being a housewife, to speed up breakfast I even mixed my morning aloe gel in with my smoothie and off I went! Then I had evening shift so took a nice salad and some grilled chicken tenders that Niko grilled up for us with garlic and paprika! Zoom zoom!
Today I had morning shift at work and knew I would forget to take my midday therm so I took two this morning along with my aloe and smoothie (I'm not sensitive to caffeine so knew it would be fine)  woah! Turbo charged! I even ran up the 7 flights of stairs to get to work, so much spring cleaning and washing done and everything before midday! Definitely something I won't do often! But definitely a great kick start! Now a lovely afternoon with hubby, a bike ride around the river and baked sweet potato and salmon steaks with lemon and dill. Mmmm. Looks just about perfect right? It was!

Tonight a catch up with expat friends, life is pretty sweet at the moment, let's see what the numbers say tomorrow, in the inevitable dun dun dun check in!
Until tomorrow, Happy weekend :)

Thursday 14 April 2016

C9 Day 4

Still alive! Energy levels are just climbing! :) had the weigh in and centimetre check last night... *gulp* but nice to see that something is happening, 5cm of 'padding' and toxins gone from my waistline!
Today Niko and I had a bit of a squiz at what's coming for us in Fit1 next week, we watched the How To vids of how to do the movements that we will be doing and practiced the moves and the stretches, even Niko said wow that's much less daunting than I thought! Which is nice to hear!
For dinner tonight I thought to make a healthy version of junk food and made some nice turkey sliders with gluten free hamburger buns! Add some good salad and sriracha and omnomnom!